Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 4

Today is day four of having my new braces. I am still having a hard time eating normal foods. today I've had protein shakes and tunafish on VERY soft bread. My teeth don't hurt when just sitting there, but as soon as I try to chew anything, putting pressure on them is what hurts. Hopefully, they will be much better by Sunday, which is Christmas dinner. I'm looking forward to eating something other than mashed potatoes, although I love them!

I only had to take Advil and Tylenol the first two days. I have not had to take them since. The day after I had them put on, I decided to forgo with my morning caffeinated tea. I thought I shouldn't drink it due to risking staining my ligatures, but I ended up having a HUGE headache all day from the caffeine withdrawel. So I gave in and decided to continue my daily tea habit but be extra careful and drink it through a straw. I am pretty much drinking everything through a straw except for water.

With it only being 4 days since I've had my braces on, I am already getting used to visually how they look. Only a couple people have noticed at work so far. I am starting to relax about how "different" I look now. :)

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