Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After Christmas!

Today is December 26th. I spent the weekend out of town with family for Christmas and it was great! My teeth feel pretty good considering it has now been a week and 4 days since I got my braces put on. I am able to chew things a little more easily. There were two days that bacon was served for breakfast and I was not able to eat it- I was devastated! I love bacon! It's just too tough to chew without being in pain. It wasn't worth it.
 I forgot to bring straws with me.  I am still being careful to drink full-colored beverages through a straw because I am avoiding staining my clear braces. However we picked some up at the store and so I felt better about drinking coffee and tea. I did not bring my Sonicare toothbrush with me and just very carefully and thoroughly used a manual toothbrush to brush my teeth. Today when I got home, I cooked an Amy's organic personal pizza for dinner. I used a fork and knife to eat it and I can't remember EVER using a fork and knife to eat pizza. I spent many years as a child growing up in New Jersey eating slices of pizza and it just seams wrong to eat pizza with a fork and knife!! It was delicious however.
 I am getting used to seeing myself in the mirror with braces. But seeing pictures of myself with them on is a different story. I feel funny and goofy looking! I suppose I will get used to that as well.  

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